Thursday, July 21, 2011

It’s Hot Outside! Let’s think of others!

So, with the heat being extra stifling I have been looking for things to do that don’t require me to be outside much. My suggestion to all who are looking for something to do is to create a care package. Now, I have a nephew who is currently a cadet at West Point so that is where I will be sending my care package but, there is a great website: where you can send letters and care packages to soldiers oversees who are in designated harms way areas. You need to check the lists and you have to direct to a specific individual but they are usually part of a whole unit that you would be sending to.

Back during the Kuwait war I connected with a soldier who was stationed in Kuwait and enjoyed being able to send him cookies and other mementos from the states that let him know that he was appreciated and was being thought of. There is no more dangerous job than that of a soldier in an area of conflict and none more deserving of our praise and thanks then those soldiers.

From the website I found that a cool things to send soldiers in an area of conflict is… wait for it…. BEANIE BABIES! Now, I was never a collector of Beanie Babies, but what a great way to slim down a collection than to send them to a soldier in a care package. It is easy for them to carry and they can pay it forward by giving them to the children in the area! Other items that are frequently listed are:

  1. Baby Wipes
  2. Single packs of individual drink mixes (w/electrolytes)
  3. Snack bars (100 cal snacks)
  4. Ibuprofen
  5. Loofa sponges
  6. Odor eater balls for boots
  7. Allergy medication
  8. Gum in the punch out packs
  9. DVDs and CDs (these are highly stolen items and need to be marked with on the sleeve and the disc).
  10. Socks
  11. Razors
  12. Soups

What better way to spend a hot summer day than by putting together a care package to benefit a group of soldiers. It makes me feel good just to write about it.

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